A man shaking hands with another man in front of people.



We are professionals with a thorough and proven method of assessing each individual event and venue. Our process includes the following action steps:

  • Establish a dialogue

    to ensure our complete and detailed understanding of your specific goals and objectives.

  • Complete a thorough assessment

    of the environment and surroundings that require attention in achieving your security goals and objectives.

  • Review the skills,

    experience and capabilities of our security professionals to determine the appropriate STRIKE GROUP professionals to task with enforcing a safe, secure environment to achieve your security and surveillance goals and objectives.

  • Thoroughly brief our security

    professionals toward achieving a complete understanding of the risks, credible threats, and other possible detriments to a strategic outcome.

  • Site specific assessment

    by all assigned security professionals to achieve multiple threat assessments from the STRIKE GROUP professionals assigned to the task.

  • Follow-up conference

    to evaluate our performance, to exchange feedback and to ensure your satisfaction and continued confidence in our exemplary professional security services. 

SECURITY SOLUTIONS for your peace of mind...

STRIKE GROUP SECURITY SERVICES, LLC, is a leading provider of security and surveillance services.  From logistics and training to personal protection and crisis management, STRIKE GROUPoffers comprehensive and customized security solutions to assure our clients the utmost in risk management and business continuity.  Call us today!